Chair of food safety and -analytics

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How do pathogens adapt to conditions in food and their production environment? Which naturally occurring substances can we use to improve food safety? Do plant toxins from feed get into food of animal origin via farm animals?

Our research focuses on the interaction of food-associated pathogens with the environment and with relevant stress conditions under the motto "Precision Food Safety". We investigate the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the fitness of pathogens in the food production chain and look for ways to intervene in these processes for the benefit of food safety. Possible tools for this lie in the study of naturally occurring antimicrobials and a better understanding of the resistance mechanisms bacteria employ.

Another pillar of our research is investigating the transfer of plant toxins along the feed-livestock-food- chain. As part of a large collaborative project, we are analyzing the transfer of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N-oxides from ruminant feed into milk and its processed products.

Our facilities include state-of-the-art molecular and microbiological laboratories up to biosafety level 3*. In addition, we are a state-registered food company, which enables us to produce tailor-made products for research and teaching purposes.

Overall, we are committed to improving food safety through our research and collaborations at the national and international levels and contributing to the implementation of modern solutions to improve food safety.


Recent publications from the department can be found here.

Doctoral Theses

Doctoral theses projects planned at the chair are announced here. Currently there are no doctoral theses available.

Interdisciplinary Master Theses

We regularly offer master theses for nutrition scientists and food chemists. Applicants with laboratory experience and interest in exciting questions in trace analysis and microbiology or in innovative techniques for application in food safety should contact our administration office: